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10/06/2004 Entry: "engaged election"

Qehndrah and I are "notaengaged" now. Which is the same as being engaged except instead of getting married we'll be getting "notamarried." (pronounced not-ah-married) (the prefix "nota" is a seager family prefix meaning "close, but not the same) We may get married sometime, I dunno, but we'll be spending the rest of our lives together. That's what's important. This isn't really news to me, but I guess for those of you not inside my head it is. So, sorry if you feel offended because I'm not calling you personally about this (I will be calling a bunch of people soon about it, just I need to wait until after my 3 days of marathon work.) Being engaged is pretty sweet. Yay for having high standards and then having them randomly met one day by a smokin' hot chick!

Now, you all need to listen to me. This is about the election. I've had people in my store all night panicking about how the fucking world is going to end, employees almost crying, and a very upset fiancé. (notafiance) I know my Dad is probably freaking out as well, and so are many of the people who read this.

You all need to calm the fuck down. The world isn't going to end.

Yes, Bush got re-elected. I was pretty sure that was going to happen, so I prepared myself for it. Hell, I was excepting a terrorist attack on election day, so I'm still thinking we got off easy. We lost this election. It's done, it's out of your hands. You did you part, you voted, you tried to defeat evil, and we failed. The fact is the majority of Americans, perhaps naively, think Bush should be president. According to NPR the sleeper issue in exit polls was "values" being even more important that the war. AKA Jesus won the election for Bush. You can't beat Jesus people. Not with a tool like Kerry. Religion was an important issue in this election, and Bush, believing he's on a mission from GAHD, has the religious support.

We did what we could. Now it's time to sit back, take a deep breath, and look around. Yes, Bush is president, but only for four more years. He isn't going to go anymore psycho than he did his first four years because the people that control him want what's best for the party. They'll keep him on just as short a leash as he was on the first four years. That being said: the damage he could do is still substantial, but there is nothing you can do about it right now, so you might as well relax.

Look around. You can still walk, you can still breath. Donuts still taste good, biking is still great, and the Internet is pretty cool. Hell, you can now legally smoke pot in Alaska. (//edit: ok, no you can't, but NPR said it passed last night at 5am. Fucking NPR) It's time to take a break from politics and focus on the little things in life. Worrying yourself about the end of the world won't change anything. Act when you can, but when you can't, just think about something else. You'll be happier.

Oh, and as of writing this Bush still hasn't won Ohio, but he's going to. Furthermore, he's won the popular vote and thus should be president. The electoral college is stupid and should be gotten rid of. (likewise, he should have lost the last election)

I'm just as upset as all of you, but I learned along time ago it's best not to get your hopes up when dealing with the American public. They've been brainwashed and misinformed, and if we're going to combat that we need to not run a douchebag like Kerry. *sigh* We have a lot to improve and it seems we are moving backwards, but we still live in the best country in the world. Kind of.

Replies: 3 People give a shit!

HOOORAY!!! Something to take the pain away! That's awesome. I'm glad someone I know is getting married. And i'm notactually surprised by this. Lemme make you a cake!!! Lemme fake you a rake!!! Lemme take you a jake!!! Lemme bake you lake!!!

Posted by Jahnee @ 11/03/2004 01:33 PM PST

seager, i'm happy that you're notaengaged, but i pretty much treated you and the Q as one person anyway so not much has changed in that respect.
furthermore, i'm currently watching kerry's concession speach. i've said (for the last several days) exactly what you said in this entry. bush was going to win, but it's not the end. i'm glad that you are (like normal) of like mind.

Posted by eric @ 11/03/2004 01:04 PM PST

Congrates on the notaengagement! (Did you get her a notaring? I'm sure it was very. . . notarious. . . ohyeh, I can still pun with the best o' them.) Next time I'm down there, I'll have to play you the organ song I've written for the ceremony you guys told me about long ago, which essentially means I wasn't surprised one bit by this entry (other than your call for rationality, which was very admirable), but it was still pretty fun to read. Way to go homez.

Posted by Bmmmp @ 11/03/2004 12:26 PM PST

Give a shout out to your peeps, or something... (wutang?)

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Ooh, oooh!!! Type your commenty thingy in here, dipshit!

Oct 2004


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