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December 2005

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Tuesday night I worked from 9pm to 11am. We had to put in a new walk-in after close so we (the night guys) had our normal shift from 9pm-3:30am and walk-in removal and installation from 3:30am to about 11am. We open at 11am... we barely made it but we helped the day crew open up with all the mess (you have to start that process about 10) and made it. That's 14 hours. Woo!

I went to bed at noon, slept 'til 8pm, and went back to work for my normal 9-c shift. I closed, opened, and closed the store all in a row and somehow managed to put in a walk-in in the middle of it all with the other night guys. The boss had it worse, he had meetings the next day and had to work 5-9 so he didn't sleep at all.

Posted by Seager @ 06:27 PM CST Link |

Monday, December 19, 2005

I fucking hate IE. I just spent the last night and morning (that's early morning and afternoon to you guys) trying to figure out why my page didn't work in IE. Early on I discovered how to take IE out of bugs mode and then I still had to fix the three pixel gap which was causing my floats to not fit into their parent float and just fuck everything up. Ironically I diagnosed that problem by resizing the main float down pixel by pixel until it worked. Then I cursed and swore trying to figure out why IE had three extra random pixels in my damn code. If that's not enough I had to use yet another CSS hack to fix the double left margin IE bug. Both of these bugs took me awhile to realize that my code was good and just IE that sucked. Eventually I got sick of trying to figure out what I was doing wrong and went to the wonderful world of Google. Google was good to me.

It's frusterating that the CSS hacks that you use to fix IE bugs simply work by exploiting OTHER IE bugs. Jesus Fucking Christ people, I had that shit working for Firefox a whole fucking day ago. Fucking IE and it's non-standard compliance can suck my nuts.

On a side note if any of you are having problems like these this site is one of many I used but may be the best. However, those of you that do read this that ARE web designers probably learned CSS years ago, and those of you that aren't I'm sure couldn't really give a crap. Y'know, I never had (many) of these problems with my trusty html 2.0 and 3.0. I am excited to finally have a page that validates, however. (run TRS, RSUSA, or this site through an HTML validator for a fun experience)

PS, Qehn or Dannye, does H count as a vowel in HTML? Should I have used "an" there?

Posted by Seager @ 05:24 PM CST Link |

I spent the day (night, technically) teaching myself CSS. I practiced by mostly recreating the TRS page using it. It was a lot faster. I stopped part way through, however, because I got rather pissed while re-creating the menu bar on the left. The problem is that fucking CSS doesn't anti-alias it's text so it looked like crap. The entire idea behind learning CSS for me was to I could recreate that left bar dynamically and update in without graphic editing. However, If I have to use graphics anyway to get the damn text to look right what's the point? Sigh... atleast I don't need to use tables anymore...

I here if I use vector based fonts instead of bitmap based fonts that will help. I'm not sure what kind of font I currently am using though, nor do I know the difference. One more thing to learn. I'll be starting from scratch soon creating using my new CSS skills and the my usual photoshop wierdology. PlasticPenis will be moving there when I get it done. This layout will soon be replaced for a slightly more ... uh... no, that's bullshit. You won't be able to view the new page in polite company any more than you could this one. Sorry. But it'll be something new. I've had this design for ALONG time. I need to move away from Chegg anyway so this is a good excuse.

A few questions for you web designers out there:
Are class selectors and ID selectors pretty much interchangable?

For instance p.wanker and p#wanker pretty much are just [p class=wanker] and [p id=wanker] so why use one over the other?

Also, if I'm using "position: relative" to position two divs inside a parent div do I need to use the float attribute? It doesn't appear so to me, so why does it even exist?

Posted by Seager @ 03:01 AM CST Link |

Sunday, December 18, 2005

My body won't let me wake up unless it's dark out. It's very frusterating. I have not been outside in the sun for about 10 days. Fucking winter. In the summer I'd still have 3 hours of daylight right now instead of it being dark already for almost 2 hours.

Anyway, I'm probably going to have the days off for when my family visits here so I'll quickly shock myself onto a day schedule and then shock myself back, methinks.

Next winter I will live somewhere where it stays around 30-50 degrees during the winter instead of 3-5 degrees like it does here. Granted, it will rain every day, but hey, it's something different. When I get tired of that we'll just move to New Zealand - a place where I just realized that I have no idea how cold it gets. It's kinda getting near that there south pole, isn't it?

*one quick google search later*

Well, gee, it's just like it is here but with mountains and weird accents. And the toilets go the wrong way.

Posted by Seager @ 06:17 PM CST Link |

Saturday, December 17, 2005

You linquists in the family should get a kick out of this.

Stolen from Bree (who is apparently still alive)

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at
Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in
a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat
ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you
can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

if you can raed tihs psas it on !!

Posted by Seager @ 05:37 PM CST Link |

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Our December gas bill was 343 dollars. :(

Posted by Seager @ 08:30 AM CST Link |

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

We got our golite today... I took this test to tell me when to use it, but it doesn't really apply to people who work nights. It's designed to help us, but it does say how we're supposed to use it. I guess I'll just use it when I wake up and see what happens. Maybe a few hours after I wake up... or before work... ... It's supposed to be afternoon light, right? Fuck if I know, I got it for Qehn anyway.

Actions have consequences, even if you are drunk. Example:

Scene: 3:45am at my friendly place of employement.

Phone: Ring.
Me: *name of resteruant* sorry, we're closed.
Them: That's bullshit, you close at 4.
Me: Nah, 4's on the weekends. We close at 3 on weekdays. Sorry.
Them: *pause*... FUCK you!
Me: fuck YOU!

I then went into the computer and banned them for life using our caller ID. Mark says they generally stiff him anyway and are jerks on delivery so I don't feel real bad about it. See drunkies? Actions have consequences. Be nice to strangers.

I think some people may be unredeamable assholes. There was a jerk smoking in line during our bar rush on friday night, ashing on the floor. I told him to stop smoking and he shrugged like he didn't know how. I said "HEY ASSHOLE, STOP SMOKING, NOW!" He shrugged. I grabbed his cigarrette and threw it outside. He said " If you'd had a sign I wouldn't have smoked, you should have had a sign." and I replied "It's illegal in the whole fucking town to smoke in resteraunts, we don't need a sign." We then argued back and forth for a bit ending in him telling me to call the cops so he could sue me for not having a sign. I started ignoring him at the point. People think they're so high and mighty with their threats of lawsuits. Apparently he doesn't realize that I can kick him out for whatever I want and have him arrested if he doesn't leave. He just wasn't worth my damn time.

Atleast I'm allowed to yell and swear back at them.

Posted by Seager @ 06:28 PM CST Link |

Monday, December 12, 2005

I don't care what the fuck he did. YOU JUST DON'T KILL PEOPLE. Fucking christ. Furthermore, you don't kill people who have been reformed by prison (that is the point of prison, right?) and who do lots of work to educated youths about the dangers of gangs and violence.

Cnn Quote:
"While in prison, Williams became an anti-gang crusader, but he has consistently refused to take part in a debriefing with authorities to provide them potentially valuable information about the Crips gangs, said lead prosecutor John Monaghan.

Williams has denounced gang violence and written children's books with an anti-gang message, donating the proceeds to anti-gang community groups.

He said he was trying to prevent young people from making the choices he did, which led to a life of crime and a death sentence.
:End Quote

First of all, killing him isn't going to make him talk. Our society it collectively shooting ourselves in the foot by killing him. I'm not saying we should let his ass out of jail, either. Life in prison ought to be good enough.

Posted by Seager @ 04:15 PM CST Link |

Amidst my busy night of doing absolutely nothing (apparently this is the only night I get to do that this week) I somehow found time to watch 3ish hours of Beavis and Butthead. I recommend this to everyone.

Posted by Seager @ 07:15 AM CST Link |

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Dear Diary:

Tonight was my night off. I celebrated by going into work at midnight because a fellow manager took ill. One crappy close and 6.5 busy hours later I returned home soaking wet from dishwater.

On a bright note I didn't wreck my truck on the drive home despite sliding about 3-400 feet at 30mph on the ice on the road to my house. The ditch did not claim me, although I took about every angle it's possible to take on a two lane road without falling off it. Who knew that tapping the gas in 4th gear could be so dangerous?

Luckilly the night before I had to drive delivery some and I tore it up in rear wheel drive the entire time in the snow. I drove like a maniac in order to get a feel for my new truck and that saved me tonight.

Posted by Seager @ 06:43 AM CST Link |

Saturday, December 10, 2005

2:30 pm : Wake up
3:00 pm : arrive at car shop
4:00 pm : leave car shop
4:20 pm : eat double cheese burger and fries. (breakfast)
7:00 pm : get called into work early
2:30 am : take a break from drinking copius amounts of pepsi to slam a redbull (lunch)
5:00 am : eat a burrito before counting the drawer after work (dinner)
6:30 am : finally get done with work
7:30 am : go to bed

13ish hours with no food sucks. Especially if all you had before that is a double cheeseburger - and before that was a burrito at 4am.

I have a smoker's metabolism now. I drink too much pop and redbull. It takes away your appetite and cranks your metabolism. I need to lay off that crap.

Caffeine is totally my antidrug antifood.

Posted by Seager @ 07:27 AM CST Link |

Friday, December 9, 2005

It only cost me $35 to get my heater core backflushed (yea, I know I could have done that myself - but I wasn't sure that was the problem) and heat restored to my truck. Having no heat in -10 degrees kind of sucked.

I need to live closer to Shawn. With him around I could have had it done for free.

Posted by Seager @ 04:59 PM CST Link |

I keep a little book in my pocket where I write down things that I think are important or witty and then I sometimes bring those things here.

This is a recent development. I want to write a fun entry filled with links all old school like I used to here 2-3 years ago, but... I'm tired and the Duck is talking to me so I think I'll go chat with her.

The notebook is lacking new entries anyway. Apparently nothing witty has been in my head since CPR. My readership isn't what it was 2-3 years ago when I got 50-60 hits a day. My several random six month hiatuses led to that I fear. (Not that I have a working counter up anyway, so I'm guessing no one really reads this)

Ohh! I'm getting the heat fixed in my car tomorrow.

Posted by Seager @ 05:54 AM CST Link |

Wednesday, December 7, 2005


4:30am. Qehn is asleep but The Duck is out. Duck finds out that Mark (mean pond) threw away a live bag of crickets 'cause he had too many. Duck gets out of bed (nest) and starts screaming (quacking) at my computer screen where Mark's aim window is up. I explain to her that that won't work and I hand her my phone. She proceeds to quack very angrily at Mark over the phone until he agrees to apologize to the crickets. She then waddles back to her nest.

This is a pretty normal night for me.

Oh, I bought one of these S.A.D. lights for Qehn but I will probably use it a bit myself. I haven't seen the sun in 4 days with my schedule. Oh, and if you buy it on Amazon it costs half as much as what they list there. I almost bought this one which is more powerful but also more annoying. It was decided that with Qehn's migrane habit that the more subtle one would work better.

Dad, you may want to get one. You can compare them here.


Animated Goth Faeries are hot.

Serenity Faerie
Serenity Faerie. Calm. Serene. Quiet. Silence.
Doesn't matter. What matters is you feel
comfortable. Peaceful. All around quite happy
with your surroundings or the little voice in
your head. This faerie sits quietly on your
shoulder, keeping things comfortably at a
distance or close, depending on what it is that
makes you happy. Stay cool, this faerie often
leaves quickly but comes within a long period
of time. She's also rarely seen. Enjoy her.

What Faerie is effecting you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Apparently I'm serene after work. I also have a heart rate of 60bpm. A little over a year ago my heart rate after work was 50bpm. I think I need to eat better.

Posted by Seager @ 04:31 AM CST Link |

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

I had to get recertified in CPR for my EMT classes. It was an adventure.

My last certification was in 2002 before the RoadShow. I kind of remembered CPR and all that jazz but not entirely. It was good I took the class again. I was also recertified in First Aid which is, for the most part, a worthless class. When I first took First Aid we had just got done watching the video on why it's important for people to act during an emergency and why people don't act when someone in the class fainted from the blood in the video and hit her head. Everyone just sat there except for Jesse (of the roadshow) and me. Jesse was right next to her and helped her, and I ran and got the intructor for help. Apparently the message didn't sink in with anyone else. It was at that point I knew Jesse was a guy I could really count on if things went wrong on the cross country ride. (and they did)

I got to use my shock training from first aid during RAGBRAI of that year. A fellow roadshow rider, Mike, got a bit spooked on the first day by all the other bikes and crashed downhill at 30+ mph. He got severe roadrash over much of his body. I made a few mistakes when caring for him that may or may not have caused him to go into shock. I let him sit up and started cleaning his roadrash. The pain from that may have been what put him over the edge. He started screaming histaricaly and looking into my eyes like he didn't recongnize me. I tried to bring him out of it by yelling his name and holding his hand, but he just grabbed as hard as he could while looking into my eyes and screaming in fear. He didn't know who I was but he wanted me to help him. It's something I'll never forget.

I laid him down to get blood to his head and then I noticed that his feet were down a hill. I had Mark help me rip the panniers off his bike and elevated Mike's feet above his head. Then I had Mark get out all of Mike's extra clothing and covered him up to get him warm. This brought him out of the acute shock almost immediately. It was really scary.

Paramedics showed up shortly after this but didn't help. I did all of the first aid and bandaging myself while they just stood there and watched. They didn't even let me use their bandages, I had to use my own out of my kit. Fuckers.

Back to current times, the people I took the class with this time were mostly intellegent. However, you could tell that for some of them this was their only social interaction (apparently ever) and they got really annoying. One gem was after we returned from lunch the instructor asked if the food had made us tired or energized. Everyone grumbled "tired" and then the 'Annoying talks too much girl who thinks she's clever' piped up and said "Well, if you had narcalepsy, it could be either way!"

The entire room (who was very sick of her by that point) collectively rolled their eyes. It was painful.

A not-so-bright but decent looking soho that smelled like bath and bodyworks sat next to me. When she heard what my degree was in during introductions she said "oh, you're a smarty then, huh?" She then spent the rest of the day asking stupid questions - the bulk of which were about when to stop CPR (how do you know when they are dead? Are they blue?) and where she'd sit legally if certain things happened. Seriously - first, generally you are saving someone you know with CPR, not a stranger, so it's not like you are going to want to stop. Secondly, you do CPR until the paramedics show up. That's whole idea. You put air in their lungs, then you circulate the air throughout their body using their blood by pumping their heart for them. Technically if you are doing full CPR they are dead already and you are just keeping their body and brain in good condition until the paramedics can shock the fuck out of it. (for those of you who aren't aware, the intention of CPR is not to restart the heart)

On a side not I learned that falling is the second highest cause of unintentional death in the US. (the first being car accidents) Also, everyone person will have at least one major accident once in their lives, statistically. Well, I already had mine, falling off a ladder 16 feet onto my head (second highest cause of death, fuckers!) and I lived through it so I figure I'm off the hook, right? Invincibility, HERE I COME!

Posted by Seager @ 05:49 AM CST Link |

Friday, December 2, 2005

We do polls on the whiteboard at work sometimes. We ask the customers their opinion. Here are some of the polls in semi-reverse chronolical order:

Who would win a fight? Johnny Cash or 50 Cent? (Winner: Johnny Cash - easy win in a gunfight 'cause he's got better aim, and a tie in a fist fight unless Johnny was coked out at the time, and then he'd win.)

Pepsi, Coke, or RC Cola? (Winner: RC Cola followed by Coke then Pepsi.)

Incase of Zombie attack should you hide out at Walmart or a remote farmhouse? (Winner: Remote farm house)

Is Meatloaf (the singer) good? (Winner: Yes)

Was Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves, a good movie? (Winner: Yes)

Did Hellboy, the movie, suck? (Winner: Yes)

I agreed with the outcome of every poll but the meatloaf one.


Similarly, A month or so ago I text messaged everyone on my phone list a message that simply said "I'm pooping!" (cause I was.) I wrote down their replies:

Kale, 4 minutes later: "I'm suing the hell out of this place." (refering to him being hospitalized at the time)
Ben, 6 minutes later: "Chug! Chug! Chug! -- I'm pooping"
Alex, 3 hours later: "Not in your pants I hope"
Heim, 3 hours 3 minutes later: "Let me know when you have to piss"
Larissa, 8 hours 55 minutes later: "Who poops at ten pm! Certainly not me" (I sent the text at 11pm, however)
Ozzie, 14 hours 57 minutes later: "I'm re-hydrating"

Posted by Seager @ 05:27 AM CST Link |

Thursday, December 1, 2005

Oh, btw...

I'm going back to school to become an EMT-b (Emergency Medical Technician, Basic) which is the first step in a 3 part series (basic, intermediate, advanced/paramedic). I get to play around in ambulances after just a semester of classes. How cool is that?

Qehn and I are also getting married June 3rd. (although we aren't sure if it will be legal yet - that depends on insurance and if it makes financial sense)

We're also moving near Portland, Oregon in July.

Look at the pictures in the last post. They are coolio.

Posted by Seager @ 04:46 AM CST Link |

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